Green Bay Innovation Group

R&R Series of Webinars to Mark On Your Calendar

R&R Series of Webinars to Mark On Your Calendar

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  • February 7 | Updates on Employment Discrimination and Employment Practices Liability Insurance* 10 a.m. | 2 hrs.
    Brian Bean, J.D. – Executive Claims Consultant Recent trends and issues in employment discrimination. Includes an overview of the legal system and common insurance coverage issues and pitfalls to avoid. – Attend Here
  • February 14 | Employer Responsibilities with Medicare* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Liz Johnson CLTC – Medicare Specialist
    An in-depth review for employer’s that sponsor a group health plan on their responsibilities associated with Medicare. – Attend Here
  • February 21 | Work Comp 101* 10 a.m. | 2 hrs.
    Mike Geldreich, AIC – Claims Management Specialist
    Mark Turner – Account Manager
    An introduction to the financial impact of workers compensation on your experience mod. An entry level look into claims management and investigation. – Attend Here


  • March 14 | Trends & Prescription Drugs* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Jeff Sewell – Benefits Consultant
    The world of prescription drugs is like an onion – the more layers you peel back, the more you find out how the deck is stacked against employers and consumers. By attending this webinar, you will learn how to better understand the moving parts that make up pharmacy and what you can do to be a wiser consumer of healthcare. – Attend Here
  • March 21 | Fleet Safety* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    John Brengosz – Loss Control Specialist
    A discussion on important issues with insuring vehicles from the INSURANCE perspective. We will focus on: your drivers, vehicles, and program. This webinar does not focus on DOT requirements but what it takes to make your fleet more insurable. – Attend Here
  • March 28 | Ergonomics and Wellbeing – Working Smarter Not Harder* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Taylor Hahn, CHES – Strategic Wellbeing Consultant
    Lori Willkom – Health & Safety Consultant
    More than ever employees demand wellbeing and ergonomic approaches to every day workplace situations R&R Insurance will take a broad approach from a safety and wellness standpoint while also offering tools and resources to make implementation easy. – Attend Here


  • April 4 | Reducing the Risks of a Devastating Jury Verdict* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Brian Bean, J.D. – Executive Claims Consultant
    Recently, some juries have been awarding enormous verdicts against corporate defendants. How extensive is this problem? More importantly, what can you do to protect your business? – Attend Here
  • April 18 | Work Comp 201* 10 a.m. | 2 hrs.
    Mike Geldreich, AIC – Claims Management Specialist
    Mark Turner – Account Manager
    Workers compensation claims are not always cut and dry. Work Comp 201 goes beyond the surface of workers compensation, diving deeper into how edge cases have been treated in the past to give employers an idea how to respond and what to expect in tough work comp scenarios. R&R’s workers compensation specialists, Mike Geldreich and Mark Turner will be diving into some targeted work comp topics and finish by explaining emerging trends affecting the insurance as a whole. – Attend Here


  • May 2 | Avoiding 401(k) Fiascos: Fiduciary Risks and Financial Wellness* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Tom Driscoll – Vice President of Retirement Plan Services
    Jason Musante-Klumb – Director of Retirement Plan Services
    Your company retirement plan can be a tremendous resource or a potential liability, depending on how it is managed. R&R’s Retirement Plan Specialists will share best practices to ensure your firm is managing any fiduciary obligations while maximizing the potential benefit for your firm and your employees through a focus on their financial wellness. – Attend Here
  • May 9 | Workers Compensation’s Most Common Dispute: The Necessity of Medical Treatment* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Brian Bean, J.D. – Executive Claims Consultant
    Mike Geldreich, AIC – Claims Management Specialist
    The necessity and extent of medical treatment, and whether treatment is truly related to the work comp injury are the biggest disputes in many work comp claims. How are these disputes handled, and can medical treatment be denied? – Attend Here
  • May 16 | Employee Navigator 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Jedd Huntley – Benefit Systems Manager
    Learn about the benefits and efficiencies of introducing digital tools into your employee benefits program and how these tools can make paper forms a thing of the past. – Attend Here
  • May 30 | Cyber Crime and Risk Management* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Jason Navarro, AIC, AIS, API, AU, CPCU – Director of Cyber Crime Insurance
    Learn the State of Cyber Crime and ways to help protect your organization from the most common cyber attacks. Walk through cyber crime attacks, demonstrate how it’s done and talk about a protection plan. – Attend Here


  • June 13 | ADA/FMLA Requirements for Employers* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Pete Frittitta – Director of Client Strategic Services
    The landscape of FMLA/ADA requirements is very dynamic. Attend this webinar to learn more about these requirements and the demand they put on employers. – Attend Here


  • July 18 | Worker’s Compensation: When is my Employee in the Course and Scope of Employment?* 10 a.m. | 2 hrs.
    Brian Bean, J.D. – Executive Claims Consultant
    Avoid common employer pitfalls and manage your organization better by understanding when your employees are considered to be in the course and scope of employment, and when they are NOT. – Attend Here


  • August 22 | Accident Investigation* 10 a.m. | 1 hr. 30 mins.
    John Brengosz – Loss Control Specialist
    A discussion on one of the most important aspects of an organizations Safety Program:
    Accident Investigation. We will discuss why to do investigations, how to do them, what commonly goes wrong and getting your people to ask the correct questions. We will also discuss the importance of forms and developing a process to follow up on the investigations and use them once they are completed. – Attend Here


  • September 12 | When Remote Work Meets Workers Compensation* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Mike Geldreich, AIC – Claims Management Specialist
    Mark Turner – Account Manager
    The Covid 19 Pandemic has changed how and where employees are working. This webinar will help employers discover and navigate the challenges of employees working remotely. – Attend Here
  • September 19 | HSAs and FSAs – Valuable but Misunderstood* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Chris Kramer – Employee Benefits Consultant
    With healthcare costs continuing to rise, it has never been more important for employees and employers to understand the how to use FSAs and HSAs. Yet millions of employees pass on the opportunity to utilize these valuable tax-saving healthcare accounts and leave money on the table. Attend this session to learn how these accounts work, how they can be utilized and tips for educating employees on their value. – Attend Here


  • October 10 | Do We Really Need Directors and Officers Insurance?* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Brian Bean, J.D. – Executive Claims Consultant
    At an increasing rate, Directors and Officers of organizations are being sued by the employees, competitors, vendors and customers. D&O liability insurance covers those Directors and Officers personal assets by providing defense costs, settlements and other costs associated with lawsuits. – Attend Here
  • October 17 | Medicare Part A, B, C, D and Maybe the Whole Alphabet* 11 a.m. | 1 hr.
    Liz Johnson CLTC – Medicare Specialist
    As your employees become eligible for Medicare, they have options for their health insurance coverages. R&R Insurance’s Medicare Division can help them navigate the road of options and determine the best route for their future. – Attend Here


  • December 5 | OSHA 300 Log* 10 a.m. | 1 hr. 15 mins.
    John Brengosz – Loss Control Specialist
    Most organizations are entering too much information, which can draw unwanted interest. This webinar will give you a better idea of exactly what is required on your OSHA 300 log. We will also discuss recent changes to reporting your 300 log data to OSHA electronically. – Attend Here

* Valid for PDCs toward SHRM-CP & SHRM-SCP

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