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Green Bay Innovation Group

Supply Chain Issues with 6 Industry Speakers Presentation Overview

Supply Chain Issues with 6 Industry Speakers Presentation Overview

The Green Bay Innovation Group hosted an outstanding group of speakers to address the Paper, Pulp, etc. supply chain issues impacting their businesses and we want to thank them for their participation. We had a great turnout with a lot of interest in the subject. The speakers included:

  1. Timothy Nordin:  Brand Manager at Billerud
  2. Pixelle Specialty Paper:  Brad Shockey Vice President of Supply Chain Management
  3. Dennis Tegrootenhuis:  President of Small Quantity Boxes
  4. Outlook Graphics:  Blain Ott Director of Supply Change Management
  5. Brit Swisher – Vice President of the North Region at Midland
  6. Nick Mares – President of Viridiam

We will see a continuation of the printing paper shortages for the balance of the year with rising costs, allotments and disruptions in the supply chain.  However, we should see some improvement for the balance of 2022.  The key is to plan with your paper suppliers and customers. We will be announcing some new added capacity for the Paper Industry.  GBIG will be engaging further with Billerud and others to continue to support the printing paper and packaging markets. We ALL recognize the importance of the Paper Industry impact on the 5P, Converting and Supporting Manufacturing Industries.  

The Green Bay Innovation Group will be putting together a group of industry professionals to reignite the paper industry in Wisconsin.  We need to bring to the attention the importance of the Paper Industry and its impact on the Paper, Converting and supporting industries! Simply, the paper industry has been off the radar screen and simply neglected.  GBIG wants to thank WEDC and New North for their participation in the event.  GBIG is a business to business industry association supporting the 5P and Converting Industries.

I have some thoughts to share due to the global realignment of the Supply Chain.

1. Supply Chains will remain under constant treat and disruptions especially with Russia and China. Europe and Asia will not be the answer for the USA. China with a lockdown will be limited to supply printing papers at this time. However, China is investing in new modern printing paper machines and closing down old and inefficient mills. China will continue to invest and purchase USA companies for All paper production! Simply, this is a great opportunity to reinvest in the USA paper industry especially in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Government and Wisconsin industry has to develop a plan to reinvest in the paper industry.

2. Supply Chain technologies and paper manufacturing suppliers will become big winners due to investments in automation. Wisconsin has a tremendous manufacturing base supporting the paper industry. It is anticipated with upgrades of the paper machines at Billerud and others, it will be a big win for the Wisconsin Manufacturers supporting the paper industry!

3. Right now the USA is getting outcompeted by China and Europe.  We will need the Wisconsin Congressional leadership and the business community to address the issue putting aside All partisan differences to pass a bill and a plan to support the paper and pulp industries. Simply, Wisconsin has ALL of the ADVANTAGES for the production of paper and pulp!  

In a world faced with the prospect of tight supplies, higher energy costs and strained transportation networks, Wisconsin has a great opportunity to re-build that paper industry.  

The Green Bay Innovation Group is a business-to-business consortium of enterprises working in the paper, pulp, printing, plastics, packaging, converting and supporting industries.  GBIG members collaborate to drive the industry forward and advance the region as the world’s heart of innovation.

Green Bay Innovation Group

Bringing Green Bay Companies Together. Green Bay Innovation Group is committed to building an authentic networking experience where innovation can thrive.

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