The Green Bay Innovation Group and the University of Madison want to thank Pixelle Specialty Solutions and Green Bay Packaging for providing a tour and an open discussion on power requirements for Assistant Professor Ben Lindley from the College of Engineering and Kieran Furlong CEO of REALTA FUSION. UW Madison is working with Realta Fusion, a spin off from UW Madison start-up company developing fusion power for high volume users like the Paper Industry. Fusion power is a low carbon energy source, with cheap and abundant fuel with very little environmental impact. The project is funded by UW Madison as part of a ‘discovery to product’ grant to help bridge the gap between science and innovation in the University and real-world impact. Kieran Furlong, the Company’s CEO is working to create the “lowest capital, least complex path” to fusion energy production.
The Goal of the Green Bay Innovation Group is for our industry partners to gain access to cutting-edge research at our universities by increasing revenue, new product development and innovation with better communications between Industry and Universities! UW Madison is one of the 10 largest research institutions in the country, allocating more than $1 Billion annually to groundbreaking inquiry.