Get links to the latest news, events, stories, and interviews from our 5P news sponsors. Our goal is to remind the decision-makers in Wisconsin of the importance of our industry both historically, and more importantly, into the future.
Read the latest 85 Stories and Links on the Internet below.

- Wisconsin Economic Summit October 15-16 LaCrosse
- First Business presents Manufacturing Expo October 30th.
- New North investor appreciation night
- Wisconsin Paper Annual Golf Outing October 1, 2024 at Bullseye Country Club.
- NEW MANUFACTURING ALLIANCE: Join us at the Meyer Theater October 1
- UW Madison Sustainability Symposium
- Wisconsin Sustainability Conference 17th Annual Event
Featured Stories
- Visualizing the decline in Paper, Printing and Wood Products a BIG Impact on Wisconsin to better understand the need to reinvest in the USA
- UW Madison focus on new faculty Weiyu Li to enhance energy sustainability
- Willamette Falls Paper Company to close putting a lot of pressure on the Printing Industry of Wisconsin.
- UW Board of Regents approves $885 million budget proposal.
- Wisconsin pfs standards to meet Federal Regulations
- Training Wisconsin future workforce to solve our freshwater challenges
- WEDC Wrapping up record year for Wisconsin investments.
- Georgia-Pacific: Brawny partners with Convey of Hope to support disaster relief efforts.
- Flexible plastic packaging market size is set to grow at 4.6 CAGR.
- Shrinkflation is reducing your products and raising concerns with price increases.
- Georgia lawmakers looking to boost struggling timber impact due to the loss of Paper and Pulp industry decline.
- Curbing microplastics in the Great Lakes.
- Digital makes in packaging
- Kimberly-Clark Progress towards 2030 sustainability goals.
- Green Bay the most affordable City in the USA
- Duluth mulls how to help paper mill grow with $180 million dollar investment.
- Essity with a Neenah location presents new financial targets for 2024.
- Flexible plastic packaging market size to grow from 2024 – 2028
- Veritiv announces agreement to acquire Orora Packaging Solutions
- Colbert Packaging Corporation, a premier provider of packaging, celebrates 65th anniversary.
- Menasha Preprint invests $50 million in printing equipment
- Ahlstrom has initiated a feasibility study for adding saturation and releasevcoating for tape papers
- UW Madison Yi Fuxion argues there’s good reason to believe in China’s decline in Manufacturing is imminent.
- America approach to China’s rapid growth lesson for all of us and a new Era of protecting our manufacturing and intellectual property from China.
- China moving manufacturing to Mexico to avoid US tariffs.
- China trade war with huge subsidies for their manufacturing sector to undermine investments in US industries.
- Chinese Investment in U.S. Pulp & Paper
- China’s export strategy causes global market havoc driving manufacturers out of business.
- US Leadership Summit reclaim leadership for US Manufacturing.
- Goldman Sachs Al is showing very positive signs of boosting manufacturing efficiency.
- Paperboard container manufacturing establishing trend from 2010
- What has actually happened when China joined WTO. Loss of Manufacturing jobs and China setting the rules at the expense of the USA.
- Biden/Harris administration announces preliminary terms with Texas Instruments for chip manufacturing.
- US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo Simple Mission make America more competitive with high paying manufacturing jobs.
- Exploring the role of paper based packaging and paper products in a circular economy
- Firefighters battle fireball at Procter & Gamble in Green Bay.
- District sought for major Duluth Paper Mill expansion and Wisconsin needs to do the same for our Paper and Pulp Industries.
- Paper Overview on Pulp and the process making paper
- Billerud launches wrapping paper solution for toilet and kitchen rolls recyclable and biodegradable solutions
- Ahlstrom insulation paper and specialty pulp/electrotechnical paper
- Ahlstrom contributes to the availability of clean water with expanded offering filters
- Sustainable high paper coatings material replace plastic.
- China’s debt trap crippling poor Economies endangering US national security
- How Chinese trawlers are emptying west African fishing grounds stealing what should be ours!
- Illegal logging in Africa is a threat to security with increasing demand from China
- Value of import of good in China to the USA from 2012 – 2022 growing rapidly
- China’s exports to USA sinks into dependency on them.
- China returns to coal as hydropower falters impacting the pulp and paper industries!
- Why China is unlikely to rescue the world economy
- UW Madison new Mechanical Engineering faculty.
- Look inside UW Madison candy store
- American Science is in dangerous decline while Chinese research surges. Invest in Wisconsin’s education.
- UW Madison ranks 13th among public schools graduate programs rankings.
- There’s still time for the planet Goodall says if we stay hopeful
- UW Milwaukee ranks in top 3.1% of universities in the world.
- Michigan Tech University named a best value college for 2024 by the Princeton Review
- BW Paper Systems
- Phillips Medisize a Molex $3.6 billion dollar company.
- Phillips Plating
- Phillips Medisize locations in Wisconsin
- Phillips Medize founded in Phillips, WI with over 7,000 employees.
- BW Systems a division of Barry-Wehmiller a $2.4 billion dollar company
- Phillips-Medisize a Worldwide Company founded in Phillips, WI
- Eagle Performance Plastics launches sustainable initiatives through a the Green Bay Innovation introduction..
- Voorwood Precision Built Equipment
- ark announces new CFO and COO
- Mastering Engraving Embossing Success with Precision Roll Solutions
- JP Morgan/Chase: A strong economy in a fragile world. The Dow Jones hits 41,175!
- WSI Inc. role as a paper logistics hub.