Green Bay Innovation Group

Support Education In Wisconsin

Support Education In Wisconsin

UW Madison College of Engineering logo

As Citizens and Businesses, we must decide to support education at UW Madison and the UW Wisconsin System of Public Universities! It is one of the largest public higher education systems in the USA enrolling more than 174,000 students and employing approximately 39,000 faculty and staff statewide. Wisconsin is highly respected for our educational institutions with an economic impact of $24 Billion! We ALL recognize the importance of the outstanding diverse programs offered to support our industries and communities. We want to keep our students in Wisconsin by providing education to find job opportunities in Wisconsin.

UW Madison is Wisconsin’s leader in Education. We must support the Construction of the new Engineering Building to show our commitment to Education and supporting the State of Wisconsin! Our legislators approved FOXCONN which cost the Wisconsin Taxpayers over $1 Billion plus dollars and these same legislators cannot support the University of Wisconsin and the citizens of Wisconsin!

As a voice for the Packaging, Paper, Plastics, Printing, Pulp and Converting Industries, we need educated employees to run our businesses. Wisconsin has a large concentration on manufacturing, and our Education is critical to our success of building and supporting our business communities.

Currently. Wisconsin has outstanding programs supporting the 5P and Converting Industries:

  1. University of Wisconsin Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering
  2. University of Wisconsin Industrial Engineering
  3. University of Wisconsin Civil Engineering
  4. University of Wisconsin Chemical Engineering
  5. University of Wisconsin Agricultural Engineering
  6. University of Wisconsin Mechanical Engineering
  7. University of Wisconsin Materials Engineering
  8. University of Wisconsin Wildlife, Fish and Wildlands Science and Management
  9. University of Wisconsin Nuclear Engineering
  10. University of Wisconsin Forestry and Wildlife
  11. University of Wisconsin Bio-Chemistry
  12. University of Wisconsin Bioenergy – Wisconsin Energy Institute
  13. UW Stevens Point Paper Science and Chemical Engineering
  14. UW Stevens Point Forest Management and Natural Resources
  15. UW Stout Packaging and Plastics Engineering
  16. UW Green Bay College of Science, Engineering and Technology
  17. UW Platteville Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Engineering Physics, Environmental, Industrial and
    Software Engineering.
Green Bay Innovation Group

Bringing Green Bay Companies Together. Green Bay Innovation Group is committed to building an authentic networking experience where innovation can thrive.

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